All Lightning Talks are published

published at 10.01.2018 13:31 by Jens Weller
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All lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2017 are now on YouTube. Sean Parents keynote will be online soon, as its right now the only recording which really has issues. Also the first talks from the conference now get to be on YouTube.

All Lightning Talks:


by Vittorio Romeo

A variant of recursive decent parsing

by Björn Fahller

A quick view into a compiler

by Arvid Gerstmann

Algorithms and Iterators for Multidimensional Arrays

by Cem Bassoy

A short story about configuration file formats

by Andreas Rein

Statistical scientific programming OO patterns

by Olivia Quinet

The case for vendorded Builds

by Arvid Gerstmann

Is C++ really a highperformance language?

by Gábor Horváth

The need for a package manager interface

by Mathieu Ropert

The stand up

by Phil Nash

Type punning done right

by Andreas Weis

The most important API design principle

by Marc Mutz

Structured Bindings demystified

by Marc Mutz


by Arvid Gerstmann


by Réka Kovács

Is this available?

by Miro Knejp

std::optional and the m word

by Simon Brand

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