Adding a week to the call for talks

published at 25.06.2024 21:40 by Jens Weller
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Everything is ready to close the call for talks, but there is also an ongoing ISO C++ committee meeting...

When planning the end date of the call for talks for Meeting C++ 2024 I did not see that this week the ISO C++ committee is in session. So I decided to add a week to the call for talks, in order to have committee members submit later than tonights actual planned deadline. At the moment there is already an interesting field of talks submitted, the program will be very good this year.

This year has the special feature that also an ISO C++ committee meeting is in the week after Meeting C++ 2024, so many committee members will choose to travel through Berlin to Wroclaw. With this I'd like to give them a bit more time to submit their talks.

So submissions to Meeting C++ 2024 are closing next week on Tuesday, Midnight CEST/Berlin.

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