C++ User Group Meetings in February 2017
published at 01.02.2017 16:58 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. For February there are already 33 User Group meetings planned. Also in this month are emBO++ and C++ Russia!
There are 4 new C++ User Groups: Nashua, NH, Vienna (Qt), Austin (Mentoring & Study Group), Montréal.
The Meetings
- 1.2 C++ UG Saint Louis - Cyber Security
- 1.2 C++ UG Bay area - Berkeley: Informal Discussion\, Panel or Presentation
- 2.2 C++ UG Denver - C++ Tips and Tricks
- 2.2 C++ UG Bay area (llvm) - LLVM's bay-area monthly social gathering.
- 6.2 C++ UG Dublin - February C/C++ Meetup
- 6.2 C++ UG Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh (Mini) - 6th February 2017
- 7.2 C++ UG Vienna - C++ Standard Library Meetup: "More Algorithms"
- 8.2 C++ UG Utah - The Direct Map to Hardware
- 8.2 C++ UG Hungary - C++@Prezi: Taming the Browser
- 8.2 C++ UG Bay area - Mountain View: Efficient and accessible? Addressing new architect
- 8.2 C++ UG Irvine (Qt) - Introduction to C++ for QML
- 8.2 C++ UG Karlsruhe - 2. Info-Treff: Test-Driven Development (Workshop & Code Dojo von
- 9.2 C++ UG Dresden - Februar Vortrag: "CAD per Code" von Georg Bannasch
- 13.2 C++ UG Hannover - 13. Treffen
- 14.2 C++ UG Melbourne - Compile-Time Method Dispatch Using Or-Combinable Value Types
- 14.2 C++ UG Zentralschweiz - Unit-Level Spezifikationen mit Igloo und Catch
- 15.2 C++ UG Bay area - San Francisco: TBD
- 15.2 C++ UG Warsaw - Koncepty. Dlaczego to dobrze\, że nie pojawią się w C++17?
- 15.2 C++ UG Düsseldorf - hands on boost::asio
- 16.2 C++ UG Stockholm - C++ Stockholm 0x02
- 16.2 C++ UG Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt) - Qt Meetup
- 20.2 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 21.2 C++ UG Auckland - Practical Record And Replay Debugging With rr
- 21.2 C++ UG Munich - Revolve and/or Evolve C++
- 21.2 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 21.2 C++ UG St. Petersburg - Readable Modern C++
- 21.2 C++ UG Paris - C++ FRUG #15 - while( jokes --> 0 )
- 22.2 C++ UG Karlsruhe - 2. Stammtisch
- 22.2 C++ UG Bay area - Mountain View: Informal Discussion\, Panel or Smaller Presentatio
- 22.2 C++ UG Vienna - February Meetup: Getting Started with Qt
- 22.2 C++ UG C++ Italy - Mini-Meetup Serale: Modena Feb/2017
- 23.2 C++ UG Iasi - Domain Specific Languages and C++ Code Generation
- 25.2 C++ UG Sofia - C++ User Group Sofia Meeting 13
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