C++ User Group Meetings in February 2016
published at 31.01.2016 23:00 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on the upcoming C++ User Group meetings! In the shortest month of the year there are still 21 C++ User Groups which are meeting! Also some more should be announced in the comming days, which is to late to make it into this list... ;)
Also I have renewed the User Group Section at Meeting C++! There is now an alphabetical list of all known groups world wide and links to my blogs on starting and running a C++ User Group. So, if there is no C++ User Group in your city, think about starting one!
There are 7 new C++ User Groups: Sofia, Ho Chi Minh, Iasi, Noida, Macedonia, Buenos Aires, Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt).
The Meetings
- 1.2 C++ UG Dublin - February C/C++ Meetup
- 3.2 C++ UG Saint Louis - Resharper C++, Scott Meyers book, group exercise
- 10.2 C++ UG Utah - Getting Started with C++
- 10.2 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
- 10.2 C++ UG San Francisco - Reliability and security of today’s software platforms
- 11.2 C++ UG Dresden - TBA
- 15.2 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 15.2 C++ UG Zentralschweiz - C++11/14 Idioms
- 16.2 C++ UG Berlin - TBA
- 16.2 C++ UG Hamburg - Monthly meeting
- 17.2 C++ UG Sacramento - Talk C++
- 17.2 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Building blocks of Metaprogramming
- 17.2 C++ UG Seattle/Northwest - C++2D Graphics Standardization
- 18.2 C++ UG Berlin (Qt) - Have food/drinks and talk about Qt
- 21.2 C++ UG Ho Chi Minh - HCM C++ User Group Meeting
- 23.2 C++ UG Macedonia - Emscripten - run your C/C++ code in web browser
- 24.2 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
- 24.2 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
- 24.2 C++ UG Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt) - Qt Meetup
- 25.2 C++ UG Bremen - Lisp und ECL
- 27.2 C++ UG Sofia - First Meeting
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