C++ User Group Meetings in August 2016
published at 31.07.2016 13:56 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on the upcoming C++ User Group meetings. As there is again a group meeting at the first, I have to publish this today, so that there will still be some groups not in the listing, as they are publishing their meetings in the coming days. Still, already 26 groups will meet in August!
There are 3 new C++ User Groups: Copenhagen, Singapore, and Gdansk.
The Meetings
- 1.8 C++ UG Munich - Library paradigm shifts due to modern metaprogramming
- 2.8 C++ UG New York - Mangrove: A C++ Object-Document Mapper for MongoDB
- 3.8 C++ UG Saint Louis - Templates and unit tests\, Scott Meyers' "Concurrency API"
- 3.8 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Berkeley: Intro to Embedded C++
- 3.8 C++ UG Austin - std::rotate Implementation and Application
- 3.8 C++ UG Seoul - AVL - A Vector Library (for C++20... maybe)
- 4.8 C++ UG Berlin (Qt) - Have food/drinks and talk about Qt (August 2016)
- 8.8 C++ UG Hannover - Unfallfreies Software-Designs mit Threads und Mutex (Torsten)
- 10.8 C++ UG Utah - Algorithms\, Containers and Iterators
- 10.8 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Mountain View: Metaprogramming for Dummies
- 11.8 C++ UG Dresden - Die Zukunft von Navigationssystemen
- 15.8 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 16.8 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 16.8 C++ UG Hamburg - Ranges
- 16.8 C++ UG Berlin - TBA
- 17.8 C++ UG Oslo (Qt) - Joint meetup with Khronos Oslo Chapter: Qt graphics stack
- 17.8 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Geheimnisse der Move Semantik
- 18.8 C++ UG Stockholm - 5 years C++ Sweden reboot fika
- 24.8 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Mountain View: Informal Discussion\, Panel or Smaller Presentatio
- 24.8 C++ UG Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt) - Qt Meetup
- 25.8 C++ UG Munich - "How to test static_assert" and "The Blaze High Performance Math
- 25.8 C++ UG Amsterdam - GPU programming 101
- 25.8 C++ UG Bremen - C++ User Group
- 27.8 C++ UG Sofia - C++ User Group Sofia Meeting 7
- 30.8 C++ UG Vienna - August Meetup: "Undefined Behavior"
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