A look at Qt 5.3
published at 21.05.2014 18:27 by Jens Weller
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Qt 5.3 just got released. This version is bringing mostly improvements and a few new things. Some of the new features are only available for the Qt Enterprise version. Also QtCreator 3.1.1 is included. Qt has become really successfull, the previous version Qt 5.2 has over one million downloads.
New Features
One of the main focus points in the current development are still the mobile plattforms, Qt5.3 brings a lot of fixes and new features for Android and iOS, such as Location/GPS Support through Qt Positioning. Big improvements brings this version also for the QPrinting section, new classes like QPageSize improve Qts overall Printing support. QQuickWidget it is now possible to embed QML in the QWidget UI. For QtQuick also a Calendar control has been added. With this version also there is support for the SPDY 3.0 Protocol in Qt. For iOS there is now support for spelling and word completion added plus Support for input methods and QClipboard. QBluetooth now also supports Android. All added features in Qt 5.3.
New Plattforms
Qt for Windows Runtime is now in a beta status, so that Qt soon will be able to run on Windows Phone and WinRT tablets, plus Windows 8.1 PCs. The necessary tooling is has already been added to QtCreator. Also the Qt Enterprise addition supports now QNX 6.5 SP1 and 6.6.
Also Qt 5.3 has now added support for Visual Studio 2013, you can download the prebuild binarys from the webpage.
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