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Meeting C++ Blogroll 8th April
published at 08.04.2016 04:00 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ Blogroll 8th April
- Embedded in Academia - Efficient Integer Overflow Checking in LLVM
- akrzemi blog - Sessions and object lifetimes
Meeting C++ YT - C++ on its way to exascale and beyond - Thomas Heller - Meeting C++ 2015
- CppCon - CppCon 2016 Call for Submissions
- hint for Branch - Aside: Over-engineered Min() [C++, variadic templates, constexpr, fold left]
- Visual Studio Blog - Clang/C2: We need your advice!
- Visual Studio Blog - Be sure to try out the C++ Quick Fixes extension!
- Arne Mertz - Strings vs. Enumerators
- Meeting C++ News - Call for Papers for Meeting C++ 2016!
- Meeting C++ News - Ticketshop is open!
- Meeting C++ News - Looking for Sponsors for Meeting C++ 2016!
- CLion - C++ team is coming to ACCU 2016
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in April 2016
- Visual Studio Blog - Using C++ Coroutines to simplify async UWP code
- Molecular Musings - Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 5: Dependencies
- The View from Aristeia - Presentation at Nexon Developers Conference in Seoul on April 28
- Meeting C++ News - And the first Sponsor is...
- KDAB - Call for Papers for QtCon
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly With Jason Turner - Ep 5 Intro To ChaiScript
- Rainer Grimm - CppMem - Ein Überblick
- foonathan - (Awesome?) Allocator Additions - Thoughts regarding allocator proposals
- Scott Frees - Type conversions from JavaScript to C++ in V8
- Visual Studio Blog - Lightweight C++ Installation in Visual Studio “15”
- Going Native - GoingNative 49: Awesome Tools in Update 2 and VS "15" Preview
- Murray's Blog - Trying CMake Again
- llvm blog - My Little LLVM: Undefined Behavior is Magic!
- Meeting C++ - C++ Committee to shift focus on important issues
- CppCast - Meeting C++ with Jens Weller
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