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Meeting C++ Blogroll 86
published at 27.01.2017 11:00 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 86 - 27. January
- Adam Schwalm - Reversing C++ Virtual Functions: Part 2
- Arne Mertz - Modern C++ Features – decltype and std::declval
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Const, Move and RVO
- CLion - CLion starts 2017.1 EAP: convert variable type to auto, zero latency typing and various fixes
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst 1.3.0 released
- Dimitar Mirchev - C++ tips, 2017 Week 3 (16-Jan - 22-Jan-2017)
- Elias Daler - Making and storing references to game objects (entities) in C++ and Lua
- Fluent C++ - STL Function objects: Stateless is Stressless
- Fluent C++ - Searching when you have access to an STL container
- Jacek's C++ Blog - A reinterpret_cast Trap
- Jackie Kay - Stop calling "Function Objects" "Functors"
- KDAB - Stepanov-Regularity and Partially-Formed Objects vs. C++ Value Types
- KDAB - Un-deprecate your Qt project
- Kirk Shoop - Track word occurrence by sentiment
- Marius Bancila - Dining philosophers in C++11: Chandy-Misra algorithm
- Matt Godbold - Compiler Explorer is now on Patreon!
- Meeting C++ - C++ in 2017
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 85
- Meeting C++ News - All Videos of Meeting C++ 2016 are online now!
- Modernes C++ - Functional in C++17 and C++20
- Modernes C++ - The Definition of Functional Programming
- Modernes C++ - First-Class Functions
- NVIDIA DevBlog - An Even Easier Introduction to CUDA
- Oscar Forner - Boost ASIO basics
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.2.1 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.8 released
- Qt Blog - Qt SCXML and State Chart Support in Qt Creator
- Qt Blog - Connecting your Qt application with Google Services using OAuth 2.0
- Rainer Grimm - Atomare Smart Pointer
- random ascii - Delete an inline function, save 794 kB
- videocortex - Istream Idiosyncrasies
- Vittorio Romeo - zero-overhead C++17 currying & partial application
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 47 - My Visual C++ Pet Peeve
Meeting C++ YT - Implementing `static` control flow in C++14 - Vittorio Romeo - Meeting C++ 2016
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