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Meeting C++ Blogroll 85
published at 20.01.2017 11:40 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 85 - 20. January
- Arne Mertz - Refactoring Session #3 – from JSON to a Proper Class.
- Baptiste Wicht - Publications - Sudoku Recognition with Deep Belief Network
- C++ Island - C++’s Simple Singletons
- CLion - C++ annotated: Sep – Dec 2016
- code::Xperience - ProtoMQTT::four()
- - MFC Support for DirectWrite – Part 8: Trimming
- - MFC Support for Direct2D – Part 3: Multithreading
- CPP Rendering - Range : Be expressive using smart iterators with Range based containers
- CppCast - Beast with Vinnie Falco
- Dimitar Mirchev - C++ tips, 2017 Week 2 (9-Jan - 15-Jan-2017)
- Embedded in Academia - Testing LLVM
- Fluent C++ - How to (std::)find something efficiently with the STL
- Fluent C++ - Making code expressive with lambdas
- Kirk Shoop - Using an AzureML Webservice to get Sentiment
- Lemire's blog - Best programming language for high performance (January 2017)?
- level of indirection - Catch Up
- Marius Bancila - Dining Philosophers in C++11
- Marius Bancila - Dining philosophers in C++11: Chandy-Misra algorithm
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 84
- Modernes C++ - Functional in C++98
- Modernes C++ - Functional in TR1 and C++11
- Modernes C++ - Functional in C++11 and C++14: Dispatch Table and Generic Lambdas
- monoinfinito - Fixing templates with constexpr’s
- nana Blog - The Easiest Way to Install Nana for Visual Studio
- - dereferencing null pointers
- Petr Zemek - Pros and Cons of Alternative Function Syntax in C++
- Probably Dance - Faster Sorting Algorithm Part 2
- Qt Blog - Which OpenGL implementation is my Qt Quick app using today?
- Qt Blog - Should you still be using QGraphicsView?
- Qt Blog - Inside QImage (with a touch of Qt Quick and OpenGL)
- Qt Blog - Qt Speech (Text to Speech) is here
- Rainer Grimm - Parallele Algorithmen der STL
- Simon Brand - Announcing the C++ Edinburgh Mentoring Programme
- Stoyan Nikolov - Compile-time check on task parameters (part 1)
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 46 - Start Using Visual C++
Meeting C++ YT - Functional C++ for Fun and Profit - Phil Nash - Meeting C++ 2016
Meeting C++ YT - How to test static_assert? - Roland Bock - Meeting C++ 2016
Meeting C++ YT - Writing a reflection engine from scratch - Manuel Sanchez - Meeting C++ 2016
Meeting C++ YT - SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries - Gordon Brown - Meeting C++ 2016
Meeting C++ YT - Implementing a web game in C++14 - Kris Jusiak - Meeting C++ 2016
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