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Meeting C++ Blogroll 24th June
published at 24.06.2016 11:42 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 24. June
- demofox - The Beating Effect
- NDC Conferences - The Continuing Future of C++ Concurrency - Anthony Williams
- Meeting C++ Talks - Exploring C++17 and beyond
Jason Turner YT - Ask C++ Weekly: `std::exchange` vs `std::swap`
- IBM C++ Cafe - C++11 feature - Lambda expressions (Part I)
- code and graphics - C++ (Core) Coding Guidelines
- Loic Yvonnet - Dynamic structures in C++
- - Easy PNG Resource Loading with MFC – Part 2
- Meeting C++ Talks - SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries
- Meeting C++ Talks - Qt's moc and QMetaObject reflection: why? how? future?
- Arne Mertz - Source File Organization for C++ Projects Part 1: Headers and Sources
- CLion - CLion 2016.2 EAP, build 162.1024.9
- Meeting C++ Talks - Want fast C++? Know your hardware!
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.6.1-1 Released
- Meeting C++ Talks - The Speed Game: Automated Trading Systems in C++
- Meeting C++ Talks - How bad is Meta-Programming still today?
- Modernes C++ - The atomic flag
- The View from Aristeia - Effective Modern C++ in Traditional Chinese!
- CLion - Jon Kalb speaks about CppCon, C++17 standard and C++ community
- llvm blog - ThinLTO: Scalable and Incremental LTO
- IT Hare - Random Number Generation
- Meeting C++ Talks - C++ Core Guidelines: Migrating your Code Base
- Qt Blog - Introducing New “Built with Qt” Logo
- Meeting C++ Talks - Clang Static Analysis
- CLion - CLion for embedded development
- Meeting C++ News - The first silver sponsor for Meeting C++ 2016!
- Rainer Grimm - Move-Semantik - Zwei nette Eigenschaften
- Jaka's Corner - OpenMP: Single
- Meeting C++ Talks - Ranges v3 and microcontrollers, a revolution
- Modernes C++ - Sequential Consistency
- botan - 1.11.30
- Scott Frees - C++ and Node.js Integration - eBook Published
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