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Meeting C++ Blogroll 18th March
published at 18.03.2016 11:24 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 18. March
- OpenMP - Additional OpenMP Support in Clang Announced
- CLion - CLion 2016.1 released: Better language support and new dev tools
- Murray's Blog - libsigc++: std::function-style syntax.
- becpp - Slides GDG Presentation Cross-Platform Mobile App Dev with VC++
- Arne Mertz - Scripting Languages and C++
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.6 released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 3.6.1 released
Meeting C++ YT - C++ on small micro controllers - Wouter van Ooijen - Meeting C++ 2015
- Embedded in Academia - The Strict Aliasing Situation is Pretty Bad
Jason Turner - C++ Weekly With Jason Turner - Episode 2 Cost of Using Statics
- Ogre3d - Ogre Progress Report: March 2016
- Preshing - Leapfrog Probing
- Denis Bider - CamelCase vs. underscore_case
- Poco - Release 1.7.1 is available
C++Now YT - Gor Nishanov: C++17 coroutines for app and library developers
C++Now YT - Michael Caisse and Joel de Guzman: Using Spirit X3, Part II
C++Now YT - Michael Caisse and Joel de Guzman: Using Spirit X3, Part I
- Marco Foco - Signed/Unsigned operations and undefined behaviour
- Denis Bider - Against signed integer types
- elbeno - An algorithmic sketch: inplace_merge
- cppformat - 2.0.1
- manu343726 - The road for reflection: Tagging types
- Marco Arena - C++ in Competitive Programming: I/O
- Eli Benderskys Blog - gRPC sample in C++ and Python
C++Now YT - Arthur O'Dwyer: The Rule of Seven (Plus or Minus Two): Modern C++ Boilerplate
C++Now YT - Louis Dionne: C++ metaprogramming: a paradigm shift
C++Now YT - Grant Mercer: Parallelizing the Standard Template Library
- demofox - A Sixth Way To Calculate Sine Without Trig
- Herb Sutter - Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting
- Random C++ - Recursively walking a directory with c++xy (filesystem + yield) [Similar to os.walk in python]
- Dirk Eddelbuettel - Rcpp now used by 600 CRAN packages
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