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Meeting C++ Blogroll 10th June
published at 10.06.2016 11:27 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 10. June
- CLion - CLion 2016.2 EAP: debugger bug fixes and performance enhancements
- code and graphics - 11 Debugging Tips That Will Save Your Time
- foonathan - Standardese documentation generator version 0.1
- MSDN Modern C++ - Using the not_null Template for Pointers That Must Never Be Null
- jemalloc - 4.2.1
- Arne Mertz - Compile Time Constants Part 2: Compile Time Calculations
- Qt Blog - Announcing The Qt Automotive Suite
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.6.1 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.0.1 released
- CppCast - foonathan/memory and standardese with Jonathan Müller
- Visual Studio Blog - Visual C++ for Linux Updates
- Visual Studio Blog - Compiler improvements in VS 2015 Update 3 RC
- CLion - CLion 2016.1.3 bug-fix update
- Visual Studio Blog - Expression SFINAE improvements in VS 2015 Update 3
- Visual Studio Blog - Standards version switches in the compiler
- Meeting C++ News - think-cell joins as a gold sponsor
- Qt Blog - Graphics improvements for Embedded Linux in Qt 5.7
- Qt Blog - Kick-start Your Qt 5.7 Project – Tips & Tricks
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 14 Standard Library Gems: `next` and `exchange`
- IT Hare - C++ Guidelines – Made-to-Measure vs One-Size-Fits-All
- Qt Blog - More of Qt Quick Designer and Qt Quick Controls 2
- Jaka's Corner - OpenMP: For & Reduction
- Krajewski - Converting shared_ptr of Derived to shared_ptr of Base
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-1.74
- Marco Arena - C++ in Competitive Programming: string basics
- Modernes C++ - Promise and future
- Rainer Grimm - std::array - Keine dynamische Speicherallokation notwendig
- Visual Studio Blog - C++ Core Guidelines Checkers are now in a single NuGet package
- Modernes C++ - Asynchronous callable wrappers
- Visual Studio Blog - Clang 3.8 in the May release of Clang with Microsoft CodeGen
- Wt - Wt & JWt 3.3.6 RC1
- Probably Dance - C++11 Completed RAII, Making Composition Easier
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