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Meeting C++ Blogroll 100
published at 05.05.2017 11:31 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 100 - 5. May
- Andy G - A true heterogeneous container in C++
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Packing bools, Parallel and More
- bulldozer00 - Hashing For Integrity
- CLion - CLion’s quick tour updated to celebrate 2 years!
- CLion - ACCU 2017 trip report
- Conan Releases - 0.22.3 (03-May-2017)
- CppCast - Past, Present and Future of C++ with Bjarne Stroustrup
- CppCon - Registration for CppCon 2017 is Open
- Deque - Weighted choice implementation
- Deque - LISP Meta-Programming for C++ Developers: Introduction
- Eli Benderskys Blog - Adventures in JIT compilation: Part 3 - LLVM
- Fluent C++ - To comment or not to comment? // that is the question
- Fluent C++ - Good news: strong types are (mostly) free in C++
- Gordon Brown - Introduction to Template Meta Programming
- KDAB - QStringView Diaries: Masters Of The Overloads
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 99
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in May 2017
- Meeting C++ News - The ticketshop and more is open for Meeting C++ 2017!
- Modernes C++ - C++17 has a Visitor
- nana Blog - Nana C++ Library 1.5 Available Now
- Page Fault Blog - Why and how to enable ARM Thumb-2 instruction set in Yocto
- Qt Blog - Styling Qt Quick Controls with Photoshop (research)
- Qt Blog - Qt from git on the Tinkerboard (with Wayland)
- Qt, linux and everything - new QtSensor IoT plugins!
- Rainer Grimm - Heise: C++17 hat einen Visitor
- Stellar Group - CppChat: On Air with HPX
- Stellar Group - GSoC 2017 Participants Announced!
- Sticky Bits - Making things do stuff – Part 4
- Techie Delight - Find all N-digit binary numbers having more 1’s than 0’s at any position in the number
- - C++11 Multithreading – Part 9: std::async Tutorial & Example
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Vcpkg: introducing export command
- Vittorio Romeo - trip report: ACCU 2017
- wxWidgets blog - 3.0.3 Released
ACCU YT - Modern C++ Design reloaded - Odin Holmes [ACCU 2017]
ACCU YT - Writing games in very modern C++ - Guy Davidson [ACCU 2017]
ACCU YT - The Detection Idiom - a simpler way to SFINAE - Marshall Clow [ACCU 2017]
ACCU YT - History of Time: Asynchronous C++ - Steven Simpson [ACCU 2017]
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 61 - Storage Duration with Lambdas
Jon Kalb - C++Chat[20] Paradigm Without a Name (Bryce, Hartmut, Thomas, John) [2017-04-29]
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