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C++ Blogroll 8.5
published at 08.05.2015 00:46 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 8.5
- pcg-random - Developing a seed_seq Alternative
- Visual Studio Blog - Bringing Clang to Windows
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-1.69
- pcg-random - Everything You Never Wanted to Know about C++'s random_device
- pcg-random - Simple Portable C++ Seed Entropy
- Matt Godbold - GCC 5.1 on GCC Explorer
- Kenny Kerr - Adding Compile-Time Type Checking to Printf
- pcg-random - Ease of Use without Loss of Power
- isocpp - Announcing a financial assistance policy for ISO C++ meetings
- Just Software Solutions - Cryptography and Society
- Qt Blog - Announcing Wiki week
- kukuruku - Lock-Free Data Structures. Exploring Queues
- CppCast - SQLpp11 with Roland Bock
- yacoder - C++ curiosities: one does not simply move a const object
- Qt Blog - Take 10 minutes to tell them why you love Qt…please.
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