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C++ Blogroll 29. January
published at 29.01.2016 11:53 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 29. January
- Meeting C++ - Using parallelism with boost::future
- Qt Blog - Qt and Direct3D 12 – First Encounter
- Tristan Brindle - A Quicker Study on Tokenising
- C++Now - Registration is Open
- CppCast - Compiler Explorer with Matt Godbolt
Meeting C++ YT - The Landscape of Parallelism - Michael Wong - Meeting C++ 2015
- Arne Mertz - Constructor Failures
- Qt Blog - Using Qt 3D to visualize music
- Qt Blog - Iori Ayane – Qt Champion
Meeting C++ YT - Boost.Geometry takes on the globe - Menelaos Karavelas - Meeting C++ 2015
- Qt Blog - High-DPI Support in Qt 5.6
- KDAB - Creating a Qt 5 port to Apple tvOS
- KDAB - How to integrate OpenGL code with Qt Quick 2 applications (part 2)
- Qt Blog - Notification for all Qt Cloud Services users
- foonathan - One of C++ most underrated features: Namespace aliases
- Nicola Gigante - Functional Programming talk at Meeting C++ now available
- Visual Studio Blog - Top 10 reasons to use Visual Studio for C++ Android Development!
- C++ Turkey - C++11 – Zeki, Akıllı Göstericiler (Smart Pointers)
- CLion - CLion in 2015: A Review of Feature Usage
Meeting C++ YT - Functional Programming in C++ - Nicola Gigante - Meeting C++ 2015
- - Docker And Conan: Automated Multi Compiler Packager
- katecpp - Application settings with QSettings
- David Sankel - C++ Language Support for Pattern Matching and Variants
- Visual Studio Blog - VS 2015 Update 2's STL is C++17-so-far Feature Complete
- quarsardb - C++ complexity: it's a feature
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