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C++ Blogroll 12th February
published at 12.02.2016 11:16 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 12. February
- isocpp - New papers: Iterator facade for ranges; adopt File System TS for C++17; unified call syntax wording
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Compiler improvements in VS 2015 Update 2
- Stellar Group - C++ and the Heterogeneous Challenge
- CLion - CLion 1.5 EAP: build with variadic templates support
- isocpp - A bit of background for the structures bindings proposal
- Meeting C++ - Searching and replacing in strings with boost
- SObjectizer - SObjectizer v. Released!
- foonathan - Implementation Challenge: A count leading zeroes function
- Embedded in Academia - Planning for Disaster
- Arne Mertz - Modern C++ features: in-place construction
- CLion - Meet CLion, AppCode and ReSharper C++ teams at C++ Russia and GDC 2016
Meeting C++ YT - Rapid Prototyping in C++ - Dmitri Nesteruk - Meeting C++ 2015
- Rainer Grimm - Besondere Futures mit std::async
- Michael Wong's Blog - C++ Standard SG14 meeting (Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial) at GDC 2016
- Murray's Blog - C++ Core Guidelines: Ownership and Parameters
- ICS - Fixed Function to Modern OpenGL (part 2-4)
- demofox - How and Why Cleaning Up Code or Processes Gives Multiplicative Benefits
- Qt Blog - Qt World Summit 2016 | Be there. Be Qt.
- Matt Godbold - Branch prediction - part two
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.5.1 for VxWorks 7 Released
- CppCast - HPC and more with Bryce Lelbach
- Visual C++ Team Blog - What’s inside a PDB File?
- Rainer Grimm - Reader-Writer Locks
- Baptiste Wicht - Use templight and Templar to debug C++ templates
- Matt Godbold - Static branch prediction on newer Intel processors
- Rainer Grimm - Bedingungsvariablen versus Tasks zur Synchronisation von Threads
- Ivan Cukic - Jekyll 3.x
- bulldozer00 - RaiiGuard
- embedded use - Running a QML HMI on an ARM11 without OpenGL
- C++ Turkey - C++11- nullptr != NULL
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - C++ Blogroll 5th February
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