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Blogroll 13.2
published at 13.02.2015 11:33 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll 13.2
- Kenny Kerr - COM Smart Pointers Revisited
- Matt Bierner - Stupid Template Tricks - Pride and Parser Combinators, Part One
- g-truc - Better array 'countof' implementation with C++ 11 (updated)
- Arne Mertz - The Rule of Zero revisited: The Rule of All or Nothing
- Ogre3d - Ogre 2.1 now publicly available (previously dubbed AZDO branch)
- Meeting C++ YT - the asynchronous library - Christophe Henry @ Meeting C++ 2014
- akrzemi blog - Desired compile-time failures
- Meeting C++ YT - C++11 Multithreading done right? - Rainer Grimm @ Meeting C++ 2014
- Code of the Damned - Alchemy: BitLists Mk1
- Meeting C++ YT - Ranges and Iterators for numerical problems - Karsten Ahnert @ Meeting C++ 2014
- Meeting C++ - Ranges for numerical problems
- Arne Mertz - Uses of Inheritance
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