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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 452
published at 18.10.2024 10:52 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 452 - 18. October
- Andreas Fertig - C++ Insights Episode 55: References are no pointers!
- becpp - Slides of the 8th of October 2024 BeCPP Meeting
- becpp - Pictures of the 8th of October 2024 BeCPP Meeting
- C++ Stories - C++ String Conversion: Exploring std::from_chars in C++17 to C++26
- Conan Releases - 2.8.1 (17-Oct-2024)
- CPP Rendering - C++ Memory Safety: Safe Pointer
- demofox - Scaling Points In a Specific Direction
- Herb Sutter - My AMA yesterday is up on YouTube
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 451
- Meeting C++ News - Adobe joins the video sponsors
- Meeting C++ News - 30 Days until Meeting C++ 2024!
- Modernes C++ - Reflection in C++26: Determine the Layout
- Ogre3d - Ogre-Next 3.0.0 Eris released
- Qt Blog - Translations of Qt framework documentation
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - C++ Brain Teasers by Anders Schau Knatten
- Shafik Yaghmour - Triaging clang C++ frontend bugs
- The Old New Thing - Evaluating tail call elimination in the face of return address protection, part 1
- The Old New Thing - On naming things: The tension between naming something for what it is, what it does, or how it is used
- The Old New Thing - How can I explicitly specialize a templated C++ constructor?
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Enhanced Breakpoint Expressions for C++ Debugging in Visual Studio
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 450 - C++ is a Functional Programming Language
Meeting C++ YT - Interview with Greg Law for Meeting C++ 2024
Meeting C++ YT - Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers by Boguslaw Cyganek
Meeting C++ YT - Herb Sutter about his keynote at Meeting C++ 2024
SwedenCpp YT - Mathieu Ropert: Heaps Don't Lie - Guidelines for Memory Allocation in C++
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