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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 446
published at 06.09.2024 11:49 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 446 - 6. September
- Andreas Fertig - Understanding the inner workings of C++ smart pointers - The shared_ptr
- - Introducing finalize() method: Customizing packages locally
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-2.15.0
- dear IMGUI - v1.91.1
- dear IMGUI - v1.91.0
- demofox - Summing Blue Noise Octaves Like Perlin Noise
- Embedded in Academia - Looking for Missed Alarm Bugs in a Formal Verification Tool
- Herb Sutter - Reader Q&A: What’s the best way to pass an istream parameter?
- KDAB - Synchronization Primitives in C++20
- Lemire's blog - Compressing floating-point numbers quickly by converting them to brain floats
- LLVM Blog - GSoC 2024: Half-precision in LLVM libc
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 445
- Meeting C++ News - Call for sponsors for Meeting C++ 2024!
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing the next Meeting C++ online job fair for October 1st!
- Modernes C++ - An Overview of C++26: The Library
- Qt Blog - Qt Contributors Summit 2024 - A Closer Look at QDoc and the Documentation Infrastructure Team
- Rainer Grimm - Ein Überblick über C++26: Die Bibliothek
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Structs and constructors
- Visual C++ Team Blog - What’s New in vcpkg (August 2024)
- Visual C++ Team Blog - MSVC Backend Updates in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Announcing the Proxy 3 Library for Dynamic Polymorphism
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 444 - GCC's Implicit constexpr
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ 2024: Fast and Small C++ - Interview with Andreas Fertig
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ 2024: interview with Victor Ciura
Meeting C++ YT - A first look at the schedule for Meeting C++ 2024
SwedenCpp YT - Bengt Gustafsson: Implicit conversion functions - standardizing a small feature
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