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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 409
published at 22.12.2023 11:19 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 409 - 22. December
- akrzemi blog - The double life of objects
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Two kinds of function template parameters
- CLion - CLion 2023.3.2 Bug-Fix Update
- CLion - A ClangFormat Story and the Third CLion Nova Update
- Conan Releases - 2.0.16 (21-Dec-2023)
- Conan Releases - 2.0.15 (20-Dec-2023)
- CppCast - SIMD
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst v4 - 10 years 🎉
- Faith and Brave - C++ MIX #9 の日程案内
- Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 4.3 dev 1
- KDAB - Projection Matrices with Vulkan – Part 2
- Marco Arena - SObjectizer Tales – 11. Interlude: testing
- Martin Vorbrodt - San-Diego C++ Meetup #57 “What can Class Template Policy Design do for your codebase?”
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 408
- Meeting C++ News - The online track and the first keynote are published
- Modernes C++ - The Second Edition of my C++20 Book on Amazon
- Modernes C++ - A Coroutines-Based Single Consumer – Single Producer Workflow by Ljubic Damir
- ninepoints - Surface Gradient Bump Mapping Framework Overview
- Playful Programming - About time - how to unit test code that depends on time
- Qt Blog - Qt Online Installer and Installer Framework 4.7.0 Beta Released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.7 Beta 1 Released
- Qt Blog - Exploring with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
- Qt Blog - Qt Journey–Creating Great Customer-Facing Software
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.6 and 6.7 Make QML Faster than Ever: A New Benchmark and Analysis
- Qt Blog - Explore the New Features of Qt Insight 1.6
- Qt Blog - Qbs 2.2 released
- Qt Blog - Contributor Summit 2023 - Qt Highlights
- Rainer Grimm - Softwareentwicklung: Ein Coroutine-basierter Consumer-Producer-Workflow
- The Old New Thing - How do I get access to the wParam and lParam of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION method from my MFC message handler?
- The Old New Thing - If the RegisterClass function takes ownership of the custom background brush, why is it leaking?
- The Old New Thing - How do I specify an optional string parameter to a Windows Runtime method?
- Visual C++ Team Blog - What’s New in the vcpkg 2023.12.12 Release
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 407 - C++98 Code Restoration
Meeting C++ YT - Helping open communities thrive - Lydia Pintscher - Center Keynote Meeting C++ 2023
Meeting C++ YT - 6 impossible things - Kevlin Henney - Opening Keynote Meeting C++ 2023
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