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Meeting C++ Blogroll 324
published at 08.04.2022 11:11 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 324 - 8. April
- CppCast - Mentorship with Rainer Grimm
- Fluent C++ - Design Patterns VS Design Principles: Abstract Factory
- isocpp - Annoucing Meeting C++ 2022
- Ivan Cukic - Fuzzy search for C++ Reference, Qt documentation and more from shell, Vim or Neovim
- Lemire's blog - String representations are not unique: learn to normalize!
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 323
- Meeting C++ Jobs - VFX Software Engineer at Foundry (UK/remote)
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Build and Test Engineer at Foundry (UK/remote)
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Zivid is looking for (Senior) Software Engineers, Vision Engineer, Embedded Software Engineer, Field Application Engineer
- Meeting C++ News - Looking for C++ employers for the job fair in May
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing Meeting C++ 2022 - "viral edition"
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in April 2022
- Modernes C++ - 10 Days Left to Register Yourself for my Mentoring Program "Fundamentals for C++ Professionals"
- Modernes C++ - A std::advance Implementation with C++98, C++17, and C++20
- Nicholas Frechette - Compressing looping animation clips
- Qt Blog - Shell Extensions in Qt Wayland 6.3
- Qt Blog - Commercial LTS Qt 5.15.9 Released
- Qt Blog - Security advisory: Recently reported zlib compression issue impacts Qt
- Qt Blog - Security advisory: Recently reported Chromium "Type confusion" issue impacts Qt WebEngine
- Rainer Grimm - Eine std::advance Implementierung mit C++98, C++17 und C++20
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Use strong types instead of bool parameters
- spdlog - Version 1.10.0
- The Old New Thing - All Windows threadpool waits can now be handled by a single thread
- The Old New Thing - Adventures in application compatibility: The case of the RAII type that failed to run its destructor
- The Old New Thing - The std::invoke function does more than invoke functions
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Using GitHub Codespaces and Visual Studio Code for C++ Development
- wxWidgets - wxWidgets 3.1.6 Released
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