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Meeting C++ Blogroll 304
published at 29.10.2021 10:19 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 303 - 29. October
- Arthur O'Dwyer - C++ Pub Quiz at CppCon 2021
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Don’t reopen `namespace std`
- botan - 2.18.2
- C++ Stories - C++ Smart Pointers and Arrays
- Conan Releases - 1.42.0 (29-Oct-2021)
- - ConanCenter: Old Bintray remote EOL set for November 30th
- CppCast - C++23 ISO Progress with Bryce Adelstein Lelbach
- CppCon - Bjarne Stroustrup “C++20: Reaching for the Aims of C++” Online Now
- KDAB - Fun and Scary Code from Qt and KDE
- Lemire's blog - In C++, is empty() faster than comparing the size with zero?
- Marco Arena - The Self-Growing Builder
- Meeting C++ - Results and Statistics from the September Meeting C++ online job fair
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 303
- Meeting C++ News - How Meeting C++ can help you to close your C++ knowledge gab
- Meeting C++ News - JFrog joins with Conan the gold sponsors
- Meeting C++ News - The second platin sponsor is Tech at Bloomberg!
- Meeting C++ News - Meeting C++ 2021 will host a book & tool fair!
- Meeting C++ News - Late Tickets are coming next week!
- Modernes C++ - Automatic Return Type (C++11/14/20)
- Qt Blog - Commercial LTS Qt 5.15.7 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator and clangd: An Introduction
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 6 Beta2 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.2 and Windows 11
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.2.1 Released
- Qt Blog - webOS OSE for Qt 6.2 Verified
- Rainer Grimm - Automatischer Rückgabetyp (C++11/14/20)
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Functions to be called only once in C++
- The Old New Thing - Giving a single object multiple COM identities, part 3
- The Old New Thing - Giving a single object multiple COM identities, part 2
- The Old New Thing - Giving a single object multiple COM identities, part 1
- The Old New Thing - A very brief introduction to patterns for implementing a COM object that hands out references to itself
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 2.2.0 release
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Microsoft C++ Code Analysis with GitHub Actions
- Visual C++ Team Blog - 18x Faster IntelliSense for Unreal Engine Projects in Visual Studio 2022
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Microsoft C++ Team at CppCon 2021
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 295 - API Design: Principle of Least Surprise
Meeting C++ YT - Hubilo 101 - Meeting C++ online hosting platform
MUCplusplus YT - Lotte Steenbrink & Wouter van Ooijen - C++/Rust: Learning from Each Other
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