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Meeting C++ Blogroll 303
published at 22.10.2021 11:19 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 303 - 22. October
- Arthur O'Dwyer - What `=delete` means
- C++ Stories - 6 Ways to Refactor new/delete into unique ptr
- CLion - CLion 2021.2.3 Bug-fix Update
- - New CMake transparent integration guide
- CppCast - JIT Compilation and Exascale Computing with Hal Finkel
- Fluent C++ - Design Patterns VS Design Principles: Observer, State and Strategy
- KDAB - Fun and Scary Code from Qt and KDE
- KDAB - Meeting C++ 2021
- KDAB - KDAB at CppCon 2021
- Krister Walfridsson - This blog has moved
- Lemire's blog - Converting binary floating-point numbers to integers
- Meeting C++ News - Flow Traders returns as a gold sponsor to Meeting C++ 2021
- Meeting C++ News - About Student- and Supporttickets and volunteering at Meeting C++ 2021
- Modern JSON - JSON for Modern C++ version 3.10.4
- Modernes C++ - Automatic Return Type (C++98)
- Ogre3d - Vulkan RenderSystem in Ogre 13
- Qt Blog - Qt Online Installer 4.2.0 beta released
- Rainer Grimm - Automatischer Rückgabetyp (C++98)
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - The big STL Algorithms tutorial: reduce operations
- Visual C++ Team Blog - A Race Condition in .NET Finalization and its Mitigation for C++/CLI
MUCplusplus YT - Lotte Steenbrink & Wouter van Ooijen - C++/Rust: Learning from Each Other
OpenMP YT - Intro to GPU Programming with the OpenMP API (OpenMP Webinar)
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