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Meeting C++ Blogroll 300
published at 01.10.2021 11:24 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 300 - 1. October
- C++ Stories - C++ Smart Pointers Reference Card
- Conan Releases - 1.40.3 (30-Sep-2021)
- CppCast - Joedb with Remi Coulom
- CppCon - Herb Sutter live in person at CppCon 2021
- CppCon - CppCon 2021 Program Announced
- Crypto++ - Crypto++ 8.6 release
- embedded use - Burkhard on Qt Embedded Systems: No. 22
- Fluent C++ - A Case Study for the Quickest Way to Find the Source of a Bug
- Godot Engine - Release candidate: Godot 3.3.4 RC 1
- isocpp - 2021-08 Mailing Available
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Tech Lead / Senior C++ Engineer (f/m/d)
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Developer C++ (m/f/d) at ALLPLAN
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Game/Creative Engine Architect at IMG.LY
- Meeting C++ News - The next Meeting C++ online tool fair is on October 20th
- Meeting C++ News - The first gold Sponsor: SonarSource
- Modernes C++ - Visiting a std::variant with the Overload Pattern
- SonarSource - Supercharge your C++ analysis with SonarLint for CLion
- SonarSource - Compilation database: An alternative way to configure your C or C++ analysis
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.2 LTS Released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.2 for Android
- Rachel by the bay - Fun with glibc and the ctype.h functions
- Rainer Grimm - Eine std::variant mit dem Overload Pattern besuchen
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Replace std::find_if in 80% of the cases
- The Old New Thing - Why am I getting an unresolved external from C++/WinRT if it is a header-only C++ library?
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 291 - Start Using `as_const`
MUCplusplus YT - Daniel Withopf - Physical Units for Matrices: How Hard Can It Be?
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