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Meeting C++ Blogroll 298
published at 17.09.2021 10:51 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 298 - 17. September
- akrzemi blog - Concepts — case studies
- Arne Mertz - [fix dev diary] Week 6-7: Description and Issue ID
- Arthur O'Dwyer - A compile-time benchmark for `enable_if` and `requires`, part 2
- C++ Stories - C++20 Oxymoron: constexpr virtual
- Conan Releases - 1.40.1 (14-Sep-2021)
- CppCast - Dart and Crafting Interpreters with Bob Nystrom
- Fluent C++ - Design Patterns VS Design Principles: Iterator, Mediator and Memento
- Martin Vorbrodt - = delete; // not just for special member functions
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Visualisation Systems Engineer at Arrival/London
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Robotics Software Engineer at Arrival/London
- Meeting C++ News - First Sponsor: Announcing Avasts Platin Sponsorship for D&I
- Modernes C++ - The New pdf Bundle is Ready: C++20 Modules
- Modernes C++ - From Variadic Templates to Fold Expressions
- Qt Blog - QML Modules in Qt 6.2
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 5.0.1 released
- Qt Blog - Introduction to the QML CMake API
- Rainer Grimm - Von Variadic Templates zu Fold Expressions
- Resharper C++ Blog - What’s Next: ReSharper C++ 2021.3 Roadmap
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Top 6+1 responsibilities of a developer
- Sticky Bits - C++20 Coroutines
- The Old New Thing - The C++ implicit assignment operator is a non-ref-qualified member, even if the base class’s assignment has a ref-qualifier
- The Old New Thing - The C++/WinRT query_interface_tearoff extension point, and using it for COM aggregation
- The Old New Thing - Ordering asynchronous updates with coroutines, part 5: Bowing out via cancellation
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 289 - Returning From The `void`
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ online job fair - employer view
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ online - Peter Sommerlad - Beyond the rule of zero
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ online - Ivan Čukić - Members through a looking glass
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