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Meeting C++ Blogroll 295
published at 27.08.2021 16:36 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 295 - 27. August
- Arne Mertz - [fix dev diary] Week 4: Closing in on core domain code
- C++ Stories - Empty Base Class Optimisation, no_unique_address and unique_ptr
- CLion - CLion 2021.2.1 Bug-fix Update
- - Conan 1.39 : backporting alias 2.0 syntax to 1.39, new --require-override CLI argument, new win_bash attribute in conanfiles to better manage Windows subsystems, new VCVars generator, several improvements in the new Environment model.
- CppCast - Insight Toolkit with Matt McCormick
- dear IMGUI - v1.84.2
- dear IMGUI - v1.84
- Fluent C++ - How to Define Comparison Operators by Default in C++
- KDAB - KDE Frameworks – Part 1: KConfig
- KDAB - New Release: KD Reports 2.0.0
- Kushashwa Ravi Shrimali - Prefer Deleted Functions to Private Undefined Ones (Notes)
- Lemire's blog - The big-load anti-pattern
- Martin Vorbrodt - C++20 Concepts
- Martin Vorbrodt - C++ Lambda Story, a book review
- Meeting C++ News - The Meeting C++ online job fair returns!
- Modern JSON - JSON for Modern C++ version 3.10.2
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 5.0 released
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ Quick Tips: Inlay Hints
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ Quick Tips: Modernizing Quick-Fixes
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ Quick Tips: Postfix Completion
- Schneide Blog - Using a C++ service from C# with delegates and PInvoke
- The Old New Thing - C++/WinRT nasty gotcha: winrt::param::hstring constructed from std::wstring_view requires null termination
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 2.1.0 release
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