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Meeting C++ Blogroll 279
published at 07.05.2021 09:44 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 279 - 7. May
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Semantically ordered arguments should be lexically ordered too
- Arthur O'Dwyer - P2266’s interaction with `decltype(auto)`
- C++ Stories - C++20 Concepts - a Quick Introduction
- CLion - C++ Annotated: April 2021
- CPP Rendering - Thoughts about getters and setters in C++
- CppCast - SonarSource Analysis Tools with Loïc Joly
- Embedded Artistry - A Software Development Idea Inspired by Mushroom Cultivation
- embedded use - Burkhard on Qt Embedded Systems: No. 17
- Fluent C++ - Find with Custom Returns
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 51 – Missing Library Features
- KDAB - April ’20 monthly digest
- KDAB - Qt Developer Conference
- Martin Vorbrodt - 25th San Diego C++ Meetup
- Meeting C++ News - Online C++ User Group Meetings in May 2021
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing Meeting C++ 2021 online conference!
- Modernes C++ - Templates - First Steps
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.1 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.15: What's new in C++ support?
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.15 released
- Qt Blog - Qt Contributors' Summit 2021
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.0.4 Released
- Rainer Grimm - Templates - Erste Schritte
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - C++ Concepts and logical operators
- Sonar Source - SonarLint for IntelliJ 4.15 released - C and C++ support for CLion
- The Coding Nest - The Little Things: Testing with Catch2
- The Old New Thing - Is std::exception_ptr nothrow constructible and assignable?
- The Old New Thing - Why is coroutine_handle::resume() potentially-throwing?
- The Old New Thing - A map through the three major coroutine series
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Promise constructors
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Converting among tasks that use the same promise
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Waiting synchronously for our coroutine to complete
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Ignoring Automatic Initialization for Code Analysis
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 270 - Break ABI to Save C++
OpenMP YT - Webinar: The Future of the OpenMP API: Technical and Organizational Update
TheChernoProject - SPIR-V and the New Shader System // Game Engine series
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