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Meeting C++ Blogroll 275
published at 09.04.2021 16:13 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 275 - 9. April
- Arthur O'Dwyer - `static constexpr unsigned long` is C++’s “lovely little old French whittling knife”
- C++Now - Keynote Announced: Bill Hoffman
- CLion - C++ Annotated: March 2021
- - Conan 1.35 : New [conf] items, new model for dependency traversal, new model for environment variables, new Autotools generators.
- CPP Rendering - Create a future with coroutine in C++
- CppCast - Rigel Engine with Nikolai Wuttke
- Fluent C++ - Open Question: Should the Logging Code Be with the Main Code?
- isocpp - 2021 Annual C++ Developer Survey "Lite"
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 47 – Containers Library Wrapup
- KDAB - Signal/Slot Connection Throttlers
- Martin Vorbrodt - std::deep_ptr
- Martin Vorbrodt - Rounding floating point numbers and constexpr
- Meeting C++ - Mathematical constants in C++20
- Meeting C++ News - Organizing the first Meeting C++ online tool fair on April 20th!
- Modernes C++ - Starting Jobs with Coroutines
- Qt Blog - Qt for MCUs 1.8 released
- Rainer Grimm - Jobs starten mit Coroutinen in C++20
- Randy Gaul - ECS and Data Structures
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - What are type traits?
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - C++ 20: Get the details by Rainer Grimm
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Managing the reference count of the coroutine state
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Awaiting the simple_task
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Accepting types via return_void and return_value
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Building a result holder for movable types
- The Old New Thing - C++ coroutines: Making the promise itself be the shared state, the outline
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Finding Bugs with AddressSanitizer: MSVC Compiler
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Sign Up for the Pure Virtual C++ 2021 Conference
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 266 - C++20's std::shift_left and std::shift_right
Meeting C++ YT - Satya Das - CIB - ABI stable architecture for a C++ SDK - Meeting C++ online
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