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Meeting C++ Blogroll 270
published at 05.03.2021 10:07 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 270 - 5. March
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Don’t blindly prefer `emplace_back` to `push_back`
- Barry Revzin - C++20 Range Adaptors and Range Factories
- C++ Stories - Parallel Compilation Experiments in C++Builder and Dev C++
- CLion - CLion 2021.1 EAP: Branch Coverage, New MISRA Checks, and Remote Makefile projects
- CLion - C++ Annotated: February 2021
- Conan Releases - 1.34.0 (26-Feb-2021)
- CppCast - The Old New Thing with Raymon Chen
- embedded use - Burkhard on Qt Embedded Systems: No. 15
- Fluent C++ - std::index_sequence and its Improvement in C++20
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 42 – Numbers Library
- KDAB - Kann das nicht der Compiler machen?
- Meeting C++ News - Online C++ User Group Meetings in March 2021
- Modernes C++ - Implementing Simple Futures with Coroutines
- Qt Blog - Commercial LTS Qt 5.15.3 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.0.2 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt for MCUs – A perfect development platform for the fitness industry
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.1 Beta Released
- Qt Blog - Porting from Qt 5 to Qt 6 using Clazy checks
- Qt Blog - QtQuick3D instanced rendering
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Concepts shipped with the C++ standard library
- Schneide Blog - return first example
- The Old New Thing - Creating a co_await awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times, part 4
- The Old New Thing - Creating a co_await awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times, part 3
- The Old New Thing - Creating a co_await awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times, part 2
- The Old New Thing - Creating a co_await awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times, part 1
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Remote Debug Support in Visual Studio 2019
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 261 - C++20's New consteval Keyword
Meeting C++ YT - Herb Sutter - Bridge to new thingia - Meeting C++ online
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