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Meeting C++ Blogroll 265
published at 29.01.2021 10:31 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 265 - 29. January
Join next weeks C++ in Production meetup on Tuesday, 17:00 CET!
- C++ Actor Framework - Benchmarking 0.18
- C++ Stories - Visual Studio's Natvis Debugging Framework Tutorial
- CLion - CLion 2020.3.2 Bug-fix Update
- - Conan 1.33: New configuration mechanism in profiles, new Qbs toolchain and MSVC compiler settings, and better support for Apple platforms such as Catalyst.
- CppCast - SOLID Design Principles with Klaus Iglberger
- Fluent C++ - Inheritance Without Pointers
- Herb Sutter - GotW #99: Postconditions (Difficulty: 7/10)
- Herb Sutter - GotW #98 Solution: Assertion levels (Difficulty: 5/10)
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 37 – Missing Language Features
- KDAB - The Power of CMake Presets
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 264
- Modernes C++ - Latches in C++20
- Qt Blog - Qt Online Installer 4.0.1-1 Released
- Qt Blog - QBSP Cookbook available for Qt 6.0
- Qt Blog - Qt and CMake: The Past, the Present and the Future
- Qt Blog - Open-source Downloads Working Again
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Seamlessly Accelerate CMake Projects in Visual Studio with Incredibuild
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Blizzard Diablo IV debugs Linux core dumps from Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - A Year of Conference Talks from the Microsoft C++ Team
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 256 - C++11's Garbage Collector
Meeting C++ YT - Sy Brand - Building an Intuition for Composition - Meeting C++ 2020
MUCplusplus YT - [MUC++] Patrice Roy - "Growing a Smart Pointer" (Virtual)
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