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Meeting C++ Blogroll 262
published at 08.01.2021 10:25 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 262 - 8. January
- CppCast - Open Frameworks and Creative Coding
- Crypto++ - Crypto++ 8.4 release
- Fluent C++ - Infix Function Calls with Boost HOF
- Herb Sutter - GotW #97: Assertions (Difficulty: 4/10)
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 34 – Fold Expressions and Elaborated Type Specifiers
- KDAB - KDDockWidgets 1.2.0 released
- Learn OpenCV - Optical Flow in OpenCV (C++/Python)
- Lemire's blog - Memory access on the Apple M1 processor
- Matt Godbold - C++ and passing by value
- Meeting C++ News - Online C++ User Group Meeting in January 2021
- Modernes C++ - Five Vouchers to win for the book "The Modern C++ Programming Cookbook"
- Shafik Yaghmour - Is Zero a Butterfly?
- Shafik Yaghmour - Down with typename
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Faster C++ Iteration Builds
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 253 - C++20 is Official! How To Get Your Copy of the Standard
SwedenCpp YT - David Friberg: Three interesting minor features of C++20
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