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Meeting C++ Blogroll 260
published at 11.12.2020 15:05 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 260 - 11. December
- akrzemi blog - Contracts, Preconditions & Invariants
- Aras - Texture Compression in 2020
- Arthur O'Dwyer - “Flash of unstyled base class”
- Arthur O'Dwyer - An example of the Barton–Nackman trick
- CLion - C++ Annotated: November 2020. We’re Launching a YouTube Show!
- CppCast - Virtual Teaching and Plenary with Patrice Roy
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-2.3
- embedded use - Burkhard on Qt Embedded Systems: No. 12
- Fluent C++ - A Classic Compilation Error with Dependent Types
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 30 – Type Aliases
- KDAB - How to build Qt with the Address Sanitizer on Windows
- Modernes C++ - Looking for Proofreaders for my New Book: C++20
- Modernes C++ - Bit Manipulation with C++20
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Sharing CUDA Resources Through Interoperability with NvSciBuf and NvSciSync
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Exploiting NVIDIA Ampere Structured Sparsity with cuSPARSELt
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Fast, Flexible Allocation for NVIDIA CUDA with RAPIDS Memory Manager
- Qt Blog - Qt for MCUs 1.6 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.0 Released
- Qt Blog - Add-on support in Qt 6.0 and beyond
- Qt Blog - Qt 6 in OpenEmbedded and Yocto
- Qt Blog - Input Events in Qt 6
- Rainer Grimm - Bit-Manipulationen mit C++20
- Schneide Blog - 3 good uses for the C++ preprocessor in 2020
- SObjectizer - The 10th anniversary of SObjectizer-5!
- ThePHD - A Special Kind of Hell - intmax_t in C and C++
- - C++: Iterate over a Vector in Reverse Order – (backward direction)
- - C++: Iterate or Loop over a Vector
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Configure IntelliSense with CMake Toolchain Files in Visual Studio 2019 16.9 Preview 2
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Visual Studio Code C++ Extension: ARM and ARM64 support
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 249 - Types That Shall Not Be Named
Meeting C++ YT - Meta Polymorphism - Jonathan Boccara - Meeting C++ 2020 Opening Keynote
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