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Meeting C++ Blogroll 252
published at 09.10.2020 09:45 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 252 - 9. October
- Bartek's Coding Blog - How To Stay Sane with Modern C++
- botan - 2.16.0
- Catch - v3.0.0-preview3
- Catch - v2.13.2
- CLion - CLion 2020.2.4 Bug-fix Update
- Conan Releases - 1.30.0 (05-Oct-2020)
- CppCast - Meeting C++ 2020 with Jens Weller
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-2.2
- dear IMGUI - v1.79
- Fluent C++ - Adapting STL Algorithms on Sets
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 21 – Casting and RTTI
- KDAB - KD Soap 1.9.1 Release
- Meeting C++ News - Flow Traders join again as a gold sponsor of Meeting C++ 2020
- Meeting C++ News - On December 3rd is the 2nd Meeting C++ online conference
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing the closing keynote of Meeting C++ 2020
- Meeting C++ News - An online C++ job fair on October 20th
- Meeting C++ News - Upcoming online C++ User Group meetings in October
- Modernes C++ - std::format in C++20
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.0 Alpha Released
- Qt Blog - Qt Network in Qt 6
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.13.2 released
- Rainer Grimm - std::format in C++20
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ 2020.3 EAP: UnrealHeaderTool Integration
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ 2020.3 EAP: Updates in Navigation, Unit Testing, and C++20 Support in Visual Studio 16.8
- The Old New Thing - Error C3867: non-standard syntax; use ‘&’ to create a pointer to member: What it means and how to fix it
- The Old New Thing - Little gotcha with C++/WinRT iterators: The case of the mutated temporary
- ThePHD - The Community
- vector of bool - A New Approach to Build-Time Library Configuration
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Build and debug Qt projects on Linux with Qt Visual Studio Tools
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ Core Check in Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - New Safety Rules in C++ Code Analysis
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 240 - Start Using [[nodiscard]]!
Meeting C++ YT - Kevlin Henney - Lambdas to the slaugther - Meeting C++ online
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