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Meeting C++ Blogroll 249
published at 18.09.2020 13:07 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 249 - 18. September
The first Meeting C++ online conference is next week thursday!
- Arthur O'Dwyer - C++ Pub Quiz at CppCon 2020
- Bartek's Coding Blog - How I Improved My Legacy C++ Project with PVS-Studio
- CLion - CLion 2020.2.2 Bug-fix Update
- CLion - JetBrains C++ Team At CppCon 2020
- CppCast - Microsoft Announcements at CppCon 2020
- CppCon - Try a Taste of CppCon
- Dirk Eddelbuettel - RcppSpdlog 0.0.1: New and Exciting Logging Package
- embedded use - Breaking Dependency Cycles in Qt Applications
- Fluent C++ - What std::exchange does, and how to remember it
- Herb Sutter - My plans at CppCon
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 18 – Exceptions
- Learn OpenCV - Getting Started with OpenCV CUDA Module
- Marius Bancila - The 2nd edition of Modern C++ Programming Cookbook has been published
- Meeting C++ - Refactoring from single to multi purpose
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Senior Software Engineer, Video And Camera File Formats
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Senior Software Engineer, Nuke - Core Performance
- Meeting C++ News - Two new ticket types for Meeting C++!
- Modernes C++ - std::span in C++20: Bounds-Safe Views for Sequences of Objects
- Qt Blog - Qt World Summit 2020 agenda released! More news on Qt 6, straight from the source.
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.13.1 released
- Qt Blog - Asynchronous APIs in Qt 6
- Qt Blog - Qbs 1.17.0 released
- The Old New Thing - The C++/WinRT “capture” function helps you interoperate with the COM ABI world
- The Old New Thing - Why did I lose the ability to co_await a std::future and concurrency::task?
- The Old New Thing - What’s up with error C4838: a WinRT type cannot be a member of a union, and how can I work around it?
- The Old New Thing - The macros for declaring COM interfaces, revisited: C++ implementation
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Happy 20th Birthday CMake!
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Project OneFuzz: new open source developer tool to find and fix bugs at scale
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ in Visual Studio Code reaches version 1.0!
- Visual C++ Team Blog - A Multitude of Updates in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 3
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Debug Linux core dumps in Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ Coroutines in Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.8
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Standard C++20 Modules support with MSVC in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C11 and C17 Standard Support Arriving in MSVC
- Visual C++ Team Blog - vcpkg: Accelerate your team development environment with binary caching and manifests
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