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Meeting C++ Blogroll 248
published at 11.09.2020 09:17 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 248 - 11. September
- Abseil - Abseil Status
- akrzemi blog - Concept archetypes — update
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Replacing unique_ptr with C++17's std::variant a Practical Experiment
- C++ Actor Framework - Version 0.18.0-rc.1 Released!
- Catch - v2.13.1
- Conan Releases - 1.29.0 (02-Sep-2020)
- Conan Releases - 1.28.2 (31-Aug-2020)
- - Adding ConanCenter top contributors as official community reviewers
- - Conan 1.29: Updates to multiple generators, new tools.rename function, experimental toolchain for gnu make, lockfile bug fixes
- CppCast - stdpar with David Olsen
- CppCon - CppCon 2020 Keynote: Performance Matters by Emery Berger
- CppCon - Instructor Interview: Patrice Roy / Managing Memory
- CppCon - Instructor Interview: Andreas Fertig / When Efficiency Matters
- Fluent C++ - Replacing CRTP Static Polymorphism With Concepts
- Herb Sutter - C++20 approved, C++23 meetings and schedule update
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 17 – Namespaces
- Lemire's blog - Parsing floats in C++: benchmarking strtod vs. from_chars
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 247
- Meeting C++ News - A few details and thoughts on online events like Meeting C++ online
- Meeting C++ News - A returning gold sponsor: Bloomberg!
- Modernes C++ - And the Winners are:
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.15.1 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt Online Installer 4.0 alpha released
- The Old New Thing - The macros for declaring COM interfaces, revisited: C++ version
- The Old New Thing - C++/WinRT injects additional constructors into each runtime class
- The Old New Thing - Rough edges in the when_all coroutine, part 2: Overloaded comma operator
- Visual C++ Team Blog - New safety rules in C++ Core Check
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