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Meeting C++ Blogroll 246
published at 28.08.2020 08:16 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 246 - 28. August
- Arthur O'Dwyer - `-Wrange-loop-bind-reference` and `auto&&`
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++17: Polymorphic Allocators, Debug Resources and Custom Types
- CLion - CLion 2020.2.1 Bug-fix Update
- Corentin - Standard library development made easy with C++20
- CppCast - Cross Platform Mobile Telephony with Dave Hagedorn
- CppCon - Instructor Interview: Phil Nash / Accelerated Test Driven Design
- CppCon - CppCon Selects Remo
- CppCon - Instructor Interview: Klaus Iglberger / Modern C++ Design Patterns
- Cutelyst - Announcing ASql - async Sql for Qt
- Fluent C++ - Use Private Inheritance to Restrict Interfaces
- Godot Engine - Release candidate: Godot 3.2.3 RC 4
- Italian C++ - Italian C++ Conference 2020
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 15 – Struct and Class Permissions
- KDAB - Meeting C++ 2020
- KDAB - Creating Python bindings for Qt libraries
- Marius Bancila - C++20 books
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 245
- Meeting C++ News - Welcoming the first Meeting C++ 2020 sponsor!
- Meeting C++ News - The Schedule for Meeting C++ 2020 is online!
- Modernes C++ - volatile and Other Small Improvements in C++20
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.13 released
- Rainer Grimm - volatile und andere kleine Verbesserungen in C++20
- The Old New Thing - How do I convert from the C++/WinRT implementation type to the C++/WinRT projection type?
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 1.30.0 release
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Introducing vcperf /timetrace for C++ build time analysis
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