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Meeting C++ Blogroll 240
published at 17.07.2020 09:33 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 240 - 17. July
- Arthur O'Dwyer - What is the `std::swap` two-step?
- Bartek's Coding Blog - 5 Curious C++ Lambda Examples: Recursion, constexpr, Containers and More
- Catch - v2.13.0
- cbloom rants - Robust Win32 IO
- CLion - CLion 2020.2 Goes Beta: CMake PCH, Opening Project from a Generated Folder, and Performance Improvements
- CppCast - LLVM Hacking and CPU Instruction Sets with Bruno Cardoso Lopes
- CppCheck - Kickstarter project - Variable constraints
- CppCon - Going Virtual
- embedded use - Burkhard on Qt Embedded Systems: No. 7
- Fluent C++ - Implementing set_match in One Line of Code
- Godot Engine - Godot community poll 2020
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 9 – Enumerations
- Lemire's blog - The cost of runtime dispatch
- Martin Vorbrodt - Singleton Pattern
- Meeting C++ - 8 years of Meeting C++
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 239
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german] Product owner for Monitoring Tool in Dresden
- Meeting C++ News - The voting on the talks for Meeting C++ 2020 begins!
- Modernes C++ - Two new Keywords in C++20: consteval and constinit
- Qt Blog - CMake-Based Qt Creator Snapshots
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.13 Beta released
- Rainer Grimm - Zwei neue Schlüsselwörter in C++20: consteval und constinit
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ 2020.2 EAP: safe_cast, Misspelled Directives, and Forward Declaration
- The Old New Thing - Deconstructing function pointers in a C++ template, the calling convention conundrum
- The Old New Thing - Deconstructing function pointers in a C++ template, vexing variadics
- The Old New Thing - Deconstructing function pointers in a C++ template, the noexcept complication
- The Old New Thing - Deconstructing function pointers in a C++ template
- The Old New Thing - Cancelling a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation, part 8: C++/WinRT, revised
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Initial Support For C++20 Ranges
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