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Meeting C++ Blogroll 236
published at 19.06.2020 15:10 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 236 - 19. June
- Barry Revzin - Lambda Lambda Lambda
- CLion - The Developer Ecosystem in 2020: How C++ is Doing
- - Conan Docker Tools - Official docker images for creating C++ packages for ConanCenter
- Corentin - Non-terminal variadic template parameters
- CppCast - Modules Present and Future with Gabriel Dos Reis
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-2.1
- embedded use - Qt Embedded Systems – Part 2: Building a Qt SDK with Yocto
- Fluent C++ - Great Developers Don’t Just Write Great Code
- Godot Engine - Release candidate: Godot 3.2.2 RC 2
- Herb Sutter - Talk video available: Bridge to NewThingia @DevAroundTheSun
- isocpp - 2020-06 mailing available
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ For C# Developers: Part 5 – Build Model
- KDAB - How to declare a qHash overload
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Develop cross-platform GUI applications with the Qt framework (summer internship)
- Meeting C++ News - Extending the call for talks for Meeting C++ 2020
- Modern JSON - JSON for Modern C++ version 3.8.0
- Modernes C++ - C++20: The Three-Way Comparison Operator
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Announcing CUDA on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.12.3 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.12.9 Released
- Qt Blog - First Qt 6.0 Snapshot Available
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Der Drei-Weg-Vergleichsoperator
- vector of bool - An iterator_facade in C++20
- - Converting a hundred million integers to strings per second
C++ UG Dresden YT - Hendrik Niemeyer "Intro to C++20's Concepts"
Italian C++ YT - itCppCon20 - Current trends in the C++ Community (Jens Weller)
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