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Meeting C++ Blogroll 232
published at 22.05.2020 09:27 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 232 - 22. May
This is the first blogroll which is also available per email, subscribe now!
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Spaceship Generator for May the 4th in C++ - Results!
- Catch - v3.0.0-preview2
- CLion - Learn Productivity with CLion: Tips & Tricks Demo
- Codeplay - Ray-tracing in a Weekend with SYCL: Basic sphere tracing
- Conan Releases - 1.25.2 (19-May-2020)
- CppCast - Catch2 and std::random with Martin Hořeňovský
- CppCheck - A million downloads
- demofox - Using Blue Noise For Raytraced Soft Shadows
- Elias Daler - Porting my engine from SFML to SDL
- Fluent C++ - How to Assign Derived Classes in C++
- Herb Sutter - The New York ISO C++ meeting is postponed
- isocpp - 2020-05 mailing available
- jguegant - Let's unravel the secrets behind C++17's structured bindings
- Jonas Devlighere - Statistics in dsymutil
- KDAB - Automating tasks in Qt Creator
- krzaq - Adventures in returning value-dependent type
- Learn OpenCV - Creating a Virtual Pen And Eraser with OpenCV
- Marius Bancila - Modules in Clang 11
- Meeting C++ News - Meeting C++ Blogroll now available as a weekly newsletter
- nana Blog - Nana C++ Library 1.7.4 Available Now
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.12.1 released
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Ein einfaches math Modul
- The Coding Nest - Generating random numbers using C++ standard library: the problems
- The Old New Thing - A noinline inline function? What sorcery is this?
- Tristan Brindle - Numeric Range Algorithms for C++20
- Vittorio Romeo - modern c++ gamedev - thoughts & misconceptions
- - Reducing {fmt} library size 4x using Bloaty McBloatface
Italian C++ YT - [Meetup Modena] TDD is not about testing (Gianluca Padovani)
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 220 - C++20's [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] With Practical use Case
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