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Meeting C++ Blogroll 231
published at 15.05.2020 09:11 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 231 - 15. May
Starting next week, the Meeting C++ Blogroll will be also available as a newsletter!
- CLion - Webinar Recording: CLion Ask Me Anything Session
- Codeplay - Podcast: Sparking Innovation through Standards
- Conan Releases - 1.25.1 (13-May-2020)
- CppCast - Physical Units with Mateusz Pusz
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-2.0
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst 2.11 and SimpleMail 2.1 released and a fork called Cutelee
- Fluent C++ - Runtime Polymorphism Without Objects or Virtual Functions
- fmt - 6.2.1
- Josh Habermann - Optimizing UTC → Unix Time Conversion For Size And Speed
- Krajewski - A technique for connection checking in Qt
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing the start of Meeting C++ Trainings
- Modernes C++ - Modernes C++ goes Worldwide
- Modernes C++ - C++20: The Advantages of Modules
- Qt Blog - QDoc in 5.15: Long live DocBook!
- Qt Blog - Making snippets in Qt documentation compilable
- Rainer Grimm - Modernes C++ wird International
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Die Vorteile von Modulen
- The Old New Thing - The C++ preprocessor doesn’t understand anything about C++, and certainly not templates
- Tristan Brindle - Rvalue Ranges and Views in C++20
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Visual Studio Code C++ extension: May 2020 update
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Faster builds with PCH suggestions from C++ Build Insights
C++ UG Dresden YT - Andreas Reischuck "Faster ►► C++ Meta-Programming"
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 219 - RPG In C++20 - Part 4: Reading SFML Joystick States
Jason Turner YT - Matt And Jason Discuss Cycle Perfect Emulation
Qt Studios YT - Qt 6: How will it reinvent Qt Core over the next decade
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