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Meeting C++ Blogroll 228
published at 24.04.2020 10:48 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 228 - 24. April
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Default function arguments are the devil
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Notes on C++ SFINAE, Modern C++ and C++20 Concepts
- Catch - v2.12.1
- Conan Releases - 1.24.1 (21-Apr-2020)
- CppCast - Postmodern C++ Revisited with Tony van Eerd
- CppCon - CppCon 2020 Call for Submissions
- Fluent C++ - Else Before If
- ICS - Don’t Touch! COVID-19 Gives Voice and Gesture UIs New Relevance
- Ivan Cukic - Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings
- KDAB - Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings
- llvm blog - The New Clang _ExtInt Feature Provides Exact Bitwidth Integer Types
- Marius Bancila - C++20 atomic_ref
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing Meeting C++ 2020!
- NVIDIA DevBlog - CUDA Refresher: Reviewing the Origins of GPU Computing
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.12 released
- Qt Blog - Introducing Qt Quick 3D Benchmarking Application
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Coroutintes mit cppcoro
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Finding build bottlenecks with C++ Build Insights
- Wt - Wt 3.6.1 & 4.3.1
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Live Stream 5 - Porting Doom to C++ - More constexpr!
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 216 - C++20's lerp, midpoint And Why They Are Necessary
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