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Meeting C++ Blogroll 220
published at 28.02.2020 10:09 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 220 - 28. February
- Bartosz - Math is your insurance policy
- Corentin - How I use references
- Corentin - The Day The Standard Library Died
- CppCast - Prague Trip Report with Hana Dusíková
- CppCast - Maintaining QtCore with Thiago Macieira
- Embedded Artistry - Q&A: How do You Reason About Flash Memory Size Overhead?
- embedded use - Benefits of a Relocatable Qt
- Fluent C++ - C++ Regex 101
- Fluent C++ - Coding Styles With Exotic Constraints
- Godot Engine - Call for volunteers for organizing regional communities
- Herb Sutter - References, simply
- KDAB - KDSoap 1.9.0 released
- Learn OpenCV - Camera Calibration using OpenCV
- Marius Bancila - C++20 designated initializers
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 219
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Developer in Qt/QML in Munich
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.15 Beta1 Released
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Funktionale Pattern mit der Ranges-Bibliothek
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ 2020.1 Early Access Program Is Now Open
- Sean Parent - Revisionist History of Move
- Slash Slash info - Are you ready for C++Now?
- Stellar Group - HPX 1.4.1 Released!
- Sticky Bits - Practice makes perfect, part 3 – Idiomatic kata
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 208 - The Ultimate CMake / C++ Quick Start
Meeting C++ YT - Debugging memory corruptions in C++ - Mateusz Nowak - Meeting C++ 2019
Meeting C++ YT - Counting Nanoseconds Microbenchmarking C++ Code - David Gross - Meeting C++ 2019
Meeting C++ YT - Retiring the Singleton Pattern - Peter Muldoon - Meeting C++ 2019
Meeting C++ YT - This is why we can('t) have nice things - Timo van der Kuil - Meeting C++ 2019
SwedenCpp YT - Mathieu Ropert: How to improve your codebase with tooling
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