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Meeting C++ Blogroll 219
published at 21.02.2020 15:51 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 219 - 21. February
- Bartek's Coding Blog - An Extraterrestrial Guide to C++20 Text Formatting
- CLion - CLion 2020.1 EAP: Improvements to Code Completion, the Formatter, and More
- CLion - Dealing with Makefile Projects in CLion: Status Update
- Components Programming - Algorithms and specifications
- Corentin - Shipping C++20 in Prague
- Corentin - move, even more simply
- CppCast - Prague Trip Report with Hana Dusíková
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst 2.10.0 and SimpleMail v2 released!
- Embedded Artistry - Q&A: How can I use C++ on Embedded Projects when I can’t use the Heap?
- Fluent C++ - Virtual, final and override in C++
- Fluent C++ - How to Make for_each Stop When a Condition Is True
- Herb Sutter - Move, simply
- Herb Sutter - Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Prague)
- Jonas Devlighere - LLDB Column Breakpoints
- KDAB - How not to lose the alpha channel
- libCinder - v0.9.2
- monoinfinito - Mixin(ish) classes with parameter packs in C++
- Poco - Release 1.10.1 Available
- Qt, linux and everything - QtWebAssembly: Calling javascript from C++ with Emscripten
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Die Ranges-Bibliothek
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 207 - C++20's jthread and stop_token
Meeting C++ YT - This is why we can('t) have nice things - Timo van der Kuil - Meeting C++ 2019
Meeting C++ YT - Retiring the Singleton Pattern - Peter Muldoon - Meeting C++ 2019
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