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Meeting C++ Blogroll 209
published at 06.12.2019 11:18 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 209 - 6. December
- a4z - StockholmCpp in 2019
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Implementation divergence with `const int i;` and `mutable`
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Setup and teardown routines in non-flat class hierarchies
- Barry Revzin - Named Template Arguments
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Threading in C++17: Loopers & Dispatchers
- Botond Ballo - Developing Mozilla C++ code with clangd and VSCode
- CppCast - Cache Friendliness with Björn Fahller
- Fluent C++ - Inserting Values to a Map with Boost.Assign
- Fluent C++ - My Book on Legacy Code is on Amazon
- fmt - 6.1.0
- fmt - 6.1.1
- Hannes Hauswedell - A beginner's guide to C++ Ranges and Views.
- isocpp - Lightning Talks from Meeting C++ 2019 are now online!
- isocpp - 2019-11 post-Belfast mailing available
- jguegant - Trip report - Meeting C++ 2019
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 208
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in December 2019
- Modernes C++ - C++20: Concepts, the Details
- Modernes C++ - C++20: Concepts, the Placeholder Syntax
- Petr Zemek - Accidentally Overwriting Another Local Variable in C and C++
- Qt Blog - The Qt Marketplace has landed!
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.11 RC released
- Qt Blog - Qt Contributors' Summit 2019 wrap-up
- Qt Blog - Parsing XML with Qt: Updates for Qt 6
- Rainer Grimm - C++20: Concepts - die Details
- The Old New Thing - In C++/CX, hat pointers are contextually convertible to bool, but you can’t always static_cast them to bool
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 1.27.0 release
- Wt - Wt & JWt 3.5.0 and Wt 4.2.0
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 196 - What is `requires requires`?
Meeting C++ YT - Hierarchy of needs - Boris Schäling - Meeting C++ 2019 lightning talks
Meeting C++ YT - Speak Inclusively - Bryce Adelstein Lelbach - Meeting C++ 2019 lightning talks
Meeting C++ YT - Typing types at type level - Matthis Kruse - Meeting C++ 2019 lightning talks
Meeting C++ YT - Accu Overload - Frances Buontempo - Meeting C++ 2019 Secret Lightning Talks
Meeting C++ YT - C++ Class Natures - Peter Sommerlad - Meeting C++ Secret Lightning Talks
Meeting C++ YT - Burnout - Jens Weller - Meeting C++ 2019 Secret Lightning Talks
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