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Meeting C++ Blogroll 201
published at 04.10.2019 14:23 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 201 - 4. October
- Aras - Clang Build Analyzer
- Arthur O'Dwyer - What is the virtual table table?
- Bartek's Coding Blog - How To Use Vocabulary Types from C++17, Presentation
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++17 In Detail - Print Version!
- CLion - CLion 2019.3 EAP: Support for WSL 2 and LLDB 9
- - Conan 1.19: Better integration for CMake and Pkg-Config, OSX frameworks support, enabling and disabling remotes, Clang 9 and GCC 9.2 versions and command line suggestions
- CppCast - Vehicle Control Software with Philipp Schrader
- CppCon - Milestone | New Home | Trip Reports
- Fluent C++ - How to Create Your Own C++ Pipe
- Fluent C++ - Reducing the Code to Create a Pipe in the Pipes Library
- Herb Sutter - GotW-ish Solution: The ‘clonable’ patter
- Just Software Solutions - CppCon 2019 Trip Report and Slides
- KDAB - KDTableToListProxyModel: a flattening proxy model
- Lemire's blog - Doubling the speed of std::uniform_int_distribution in the GNU C++ library
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in October 2019
- Meeting C++ News - Optiver joins the Gold sponsors of Meeting C++ 2019
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: Bounds Safety
- Qt Blog - A fast and thread-safe pool allocator for Qt - Part 2
- Qt Blog - A fast and thread-safe pool allocator for Qt - Part 1
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: Bounds Safety
- Sticky Bits - Function function return return values values*
- The Coding Nest - Modern SAT solvers: fast, neat and underused (part 1.5 of N)
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++20’s Conditionally Explicit Constructors
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Microsoft C++ Team on CppCast
CppCon YT - CppCon 2019: Nathan Sidwell “Converting to C++20 Modules”
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 187 - C++20's `constexpr` Algorithms
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