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Meeting C++ Blogroll 200
published at 06.09.2019 13:32 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 200 - 6. September
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++ Links #35 Myths about C++ good practices, raw string literals
- Bartek's Coding Blog - New new() - The C++17's Alignment Parameter for Operator new()
- becpp - Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned For October 10th, 2019
- Botond Ballo - A case study in analyzing C++ compiler errors: why is the compiler trying to copy my move-only object?
- Conan Releases - 1.18.2 (30-Aug-2019)
- - A New Binary Building Service for Conan-center Packages
- - An introduction to deterministic builds with C/C++
- CppCast - Professional CMake with Craig Scott
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-1.89
- CppCon - Presenter Interviews: Klaus Iglberger
- Fluent C++ - I Don’t Know What You Did Last Summer
- Fluent C++ - The Demux Pipe
- Hatcat - “Searching for another overload”: overloading and replacing new and delete with MSVC v142
- Herb Sutter - My favorite work-week of 2019
- Lemire's blog - Passing integers by reference can be expensive…
- Meeting C++ News - Highlighting the Student and Support Tickets for Meeting C++ 2019
- Meeting C++ News - Incredibuild joins the Gold sponsors
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in September 2019
- Modernes C++ - More Myths of My Blog Readers
- Rainer Grimm - Mehr Mythen der Blog-Leser
- range-v3 - 0.9.1
- SObjectizer - SObjectizer-5.6.1 and the movement of SObjectizer's development to GitHub
- The Old New Thing - Making the COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY macro better at detecting misuse
- The Old New Thing - The COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY must be a COM interface, but nobody actually checks
- The Old New Thing - The sad history of Unicode printf-style format specifiers in Visual C++
C++ Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh: Joseph Mansfield — unique_resource
C++ Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh: Sy Brand — How C++ Debuggers Work
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 183 - Start Using Raw String Literals
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 182 - Overloading In C and C++
SwedenCpp YT - Björn Fahller: Modern techniques for keeping your code DRY
TheChernoProject - Multiple TYPES of Data in a SINGLE VARIABLE in C++?
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