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Meeting C++ Blogroll 194
published at 05.07.2019 09:12 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 196 - 5. July
Want to speak on an embedded topic? Submit your talk to Meeting Embedded!
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Enums break strong structural equality
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Announcing `Quuxplusone/coro`, single-header C++2a example code
- Arthur O'Dwyer - P1616R0 and health insurance
- Arthur O'Dwyer - _Contra_ P0339 “`polymorphic_allocator<>` as a vocabulary type”
- Arthur O'Dwyer - C++Now video tidbits
- Bartek's Coding Blog - [Quick Case] Surprising Conversions of const char* to bool
- Bartosz - Filtered Colimits
- Bartosz - Programming with Universal Constructions
- botan - 2.11.0
- CLion - CLion 2019.2 EAP: Peripheral View for ARM Devices
- Components Programming - Elements of Programming Authors' Edition (free ebook)
- CppCast - CMake and VTK with Robert Maynard
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-1.88
- CppCon - CppCon 2019 Call for Poster Submissions
- Embedded Artistry - Enforce Correct Integer Arithmetic using the C++ Safe Numerics Library
- Fluent C++ - FSeam: A Mocking Framework That Requires No Change In Code (Part 2)
- Fluent C++ - FSeam: A Mocking Framework That Requires No Change In Code (Part 1)
- GNSS C++ Solutions - Inserting value into the map with multiple keys
- Godot Engine - Vulkan progress report #1
- Kenny Kerr - The Old New Thing on C++/WinRT
- Kenny Kerr - Meet C++/WinRT 2.0: resume_foreground Improvements
- Lemire's blog - A fast 16-bit random number generator?
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 193
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in July 2019
- Meeting C++ News - Voting results for Meeting C++ 2019
- Modernes C++ - Stuff you should know about In- and Output with Streams
- Paul Dreik - Fuzzing {fmt}
- Poco - Release 1.9.2 Available
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.9.2 released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.10 Beta2 released
- Qt, linux and everything - [Update] Faster link time for Qt WebAssembly
- QtWebKit - QtWebKit 5.212.0 Alpha 3
- Rainer Grimm - Wissen zu Ein- und Ausgabestreams
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