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Meeting C++ Blogroll 174
published at 18.01.2019 10:47 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 174 - 18. January
New Playlist for all talks and the keynotes from Meeting C++ 2018!
- Aras - Investigating compile times, and Clang -ftime-report
- Aras - time-trace: timeline / flame chart profiler for Clang
- Arne Mertz - The pImpl Idiom
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Measuring adoption of C++17 and CTAD in real codebases
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Why do we require `requires requires`?
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Is this `std::vector`?
- Arthur O'Dwyer - `requires`-expression grammar trivia
- Barry Revzin - if constexpr isn't broken
- Bartek's Coding Blog - How to get File Size in C++?
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++ Links #14
- CppCast - Boost DI and SML with Kris Jusiak
- cpplover - Possibility of writing English C++ textbooks
- dear IMGUI - v1.67
- Deque - Pythagorean Triples in Modern C++
- Fluent C++ - Indexing Data Structures with C++ Scoped Enums
- Fluent C++ - Declarative If Statements with a Simplified Rules Engine
- Marius Bancila - Understanding equal_range
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 173
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Engineer 2D/3D
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Engineer, Build & Release
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german] Game-Entwickler (m/w/d) 3D-Simulation
- Meeting C++ News - First Videos from Meeting C++ 2018 released
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: Programming at Compile Time
- Nick Desaulniers - Finding compiler bugs with C-Reduce
- Page Fault Blog - Don’t over-engineer
- pzemtsov - To allocate or to pool?
- Qt Blog - Qt Customer Survey 2018
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.8.1 released
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: Programmierung zur Compilezeit
- SObjectizer - On the road to SObjectizer-5.6
- Solarian Programmer - C++17 Filesystem - Writing a simple file watcher
- The Old New Thing - How do I get the effect of C#’s async void in a C++ coroutine? Part 2: Keeping track of the lifetimes
- The Old New Thing - How do I get the effect of C#’s async void in a C++ coroutine? Part 1: Why does the obvious solution crash?
- Therocode blog - Exploring C++20 - Class Types in Non-Type Template Parameters
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 150 - C++20's Lambdas For Resource Management
Meeting C++ YT - 50 shades of C++ - Nicolai Josuttis - Meeting C++ 2018 Closing Keynote
Meeting C++ YT - The Truth of a Procedure - Lisa Lippincott - Meeting C++ 2018 Center Keynote
Meeting C++ YT - The next big Thing - Andrei Alexandrescu - Meeting C++ 2018 Opening Keynote
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