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Meeting C++ Blogroll 173
published at 11.01.2019 11:03 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 174 - 11. January
- Aras - Mentoring: You Won't Believe What Happened Next!
- Arthur O'Dwyer - 37 percent of HyperRogue’s compilation time is due to `std::function`
- Barry Revzin - Concept template parameters
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++ Links #13
- botan - 2.9.0
- CLion - CLion 2018.3.3 bug-fix update
- Conan Releases - 1.11.2 (08-Jan-2019)
- Corentin - What is C++ ?
- CppCast - Trivially Relocatable with Arthur O'Dwyer
- cpplover - The overview of C++20 Range view
- Fluent C++ - How I Applied Coding Best Practices to Improve My Daily Life
- Fluent C++ - RestMyCase: A C++ Library for Formatting String Cases
- Learn OpenCV - Using OpenVINO with OpenCV
- Marius Bancila - A first look at Visual Studio 2019
- Mathieu Ropert - Copy and Swap, 20 years later
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: Rules for Template Metaprogramming
- Qt Blog - Qt 5.12 LTS – The road to faster QML application startup
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: Regeln zur Template-Metaprogrammierung
- SObjectizer - SObjectizer-5.5.24 and so_5_extra-1.2.2 Released!
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 1.23.0 release
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 149 - C++20's Lambda Usability Changes
Meeting C++ YT - Framing our Craft as a Discipline - Dan Saks - Meeting C++ Secret Lightning Talks
TheChernoProject - Modern OpenGL (Glad) | Game Engine series
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