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Meeting C++ Blogroll 159
published at 24.08.2018 11:04 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 159 - 24. August
- Arne Mertz - “Modern C++” != “New(est) Standard”
- Arthur O'Dwyer - `mutable` and “trivially fooable”
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Exploring C++ types with `puts(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)`
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Stopping the cascade of errors
- Arthur O'Dwyer - C++ doesn’t know how to do customization points that aren’t operators
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Speeding up Pattern Searches with Boyer-Moore Algorithm from C++17
- CLion - CLion 2018.2.2 bug-fix update
- Codeplay - ComputeCpp: From 0.1 to 1.0 and SYCL Conformance in 2 years
- CppCast - SYCL with Gordon Brown
- CppCon - Cougar Mountain Zoo Field Trip Announced
- Embedded Artistry - EMB2: A C/C++ Framework for Multi-core and Multi-chip Embedded Systems
- Fluent C++ - Integrating Mocking With C++ Default Parameters
- Fluent C++ - How to Design Early Returns in C++ (Based on Procedural Programming)
- GNSS C++ Solutions - Robust endianness conversion
- Hans Klabbers - Dependency Management for C++ (2)
- iboB - A Bug in the C++ Standard
- Learn OpenCV - Deep Learning based Object Detection using YOLOv3 with OpenCV ( Python / C++ )
- llvm blog - 2018 LLVM Foundation's Women in Compilers and Tools Workshop
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 158
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german] (Senior) Software Engineer in Development (m/w)
- Meeting C++ News - A major update for Meeting C++ Recruiting
- Modern JSON - JSON for Modern C++ version 3.2.0
- Modernes C++ - The new pdf bundle is ready: C++ Core Guidelines - Concurrency and Parallelism
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Gudelines: goto considered Evil
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Tensor Ops Made Easier in cuDNN
- Poco - POCOpro C++ Frameworks Release 2018.1
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: goto considered evil
- Simon Brand - Spaceship Operator
- Stellar Group - GSoC 18: Final reports
- Sticky Bits - Technical debt
- vector of bool - Paths: Taxonomy, Terminology, and Myths
- Visual C++ Team Blog - std::string_view: The Duct Tape of String Types
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension August 2018 Update
- Wt - Wt & JWt 3.3.11 and Wt 4.0.4
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